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Wickham Berresford


A selection of pictures from my photographic archive.

Opening Performance on May 13th, 2012 –  7 p.m.

Wickham Berresford lives, loves and works in England.

The arrangement of pictures that had been selected from his archive includes the repetition of individual images and the placement of all of

them in a simultaneously deliberate and random manner.

Pictures that were lost, forgotten, misplaced or thrown away got ripped

out of their original context and a new and unpredictable context was

created through collecting and selecting the original images before displaying them in several groups

The installation at the Sternstudio Gallery will be the background for a photographic performance that will take place on the night of the opening. Due to the candid nature of this performance only a small number of registered guest will be able to attend the event. The photos on the

walls will remain visible for at least six weeks after the opening.